Lifespan of Banyan tree | The Great Banyan Tree

Lifespan of Banyan Tree

lifespan of banyan tree

The lifespan of a banyan tree can be more than 500 years. Some of them can even survive for thousands of years also. Over the years the original trunk often gets hidden by the sub roots that develop from the branches. Over the years the sub roots get stronger and stronger which later acts as actual roots and provide strength to the tree. The reason of survival for such a long period is its roots and sub roots or the ariel roots and its strength. It is the strongest and most durable tree in the world. It is mostly found in the Indian subcontinent. A major example is the great banyan tree in India.

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The Great Banyan tree

The great banyan tree is located in Botanic Garden,shibpur, Howrah, near Kolkata India. This is believed to be 300 years old. This draws attraction for many visitors from all over the world. The strength of this banyan tree can be estimated by the fact that it has survived three of the major cyclones one in 1864 and another in 1867 and the most recent Amphan Cyclone in 2020. The banyan tree appears to be a dense forest rather than a single tree due to its large number of ariel roots. The greatness and hugeness of this tree can be estimated by the fact that the area occupied by the great banyan tree is about 18,918 square meters. The number of ariel roots can be more than 3770 and its height is almost equivalent to the Gateway of India.

banyan tree roots

What is special about banyan tree roots and why?

1.The banyan tree is chiefly made out of flying roots that offer help to the enormous substantial plant.
2.The single under soil root framework isn't sufficient to offer help to the large and substantial standing banyan tree.
3.The elevated roots are discovered coming out from one of the branches that give total support.
4.The banyan tree is primarily made out of airborne roots that offer help to the enormous weighty plant.
5.The single under soil root framework isn't sufficient to offer help to the huge and weighty standing banyan tree.
6.The flying roots are discovered coming out from one of the branches that offer total help.
7.Banyan tree is a dicot tree.
So the underlying foundations of the banyan will be taproot inside the dirt. Additionally, the banyan tree has prop roots that originate from different flying pieces of the tree which when contacts the dirt, at that point it becomes thick and more grounded to help the hefty stems of the banyan tree.

Banyan Tree Roots

The root framework is a slipping part of the plant pivot. At the point when a seed develops, the radicle is the primary organ to come out. It stretches to shape an essential tap root that radiates horizontal branches and in this way frames the root framework. It branches through huge and profound zones in the dirt and anchors the plant immovably. The banyan tree is fundamentally made out of aeronautical roots that offer help to the enormous substantial plant. A solitary sort of root framework under the dirt isn't sufficient to offer help to the enormous and hefty standing banyan tree. Prop uncovers originate from the aeronautical pieces of branches that contact the ground and later become thicker and more grounded. The banyan tree is a dicot tree and the underground foundations of the banyan tree are Tap Roots.


What is the maximum age of Banyan Tree?

The maximum age of the banyan tree can be more than 500 years old. The Great Banyan tree which is present in Indian Botanical Garden, Kolkata, India is the oldest in the world presently and of age more than 300 years.

Which tree has the longest lifespan?

Methuselah, a Great Basin bristlecone pine also known as Pinus longaeva which is present in the White Mountains of California, has been measured by ring count to be 4,852 years old. It is the oldest known living individual non-clonal tree in the world.

Which is the oldest banyan tree in the world?

The Great Banyan Tree present in the Indian Botanical Garden, Howrah, West Bengal, India is the oldest Banyan tree in the world.

You may also like to read:

1. Some amazing facts about Banayan tree

2. Information about banyan tree in hindi

3. Banyan tree facts about-roots, fruits, leaves etc.


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