10 amazing facts about Banyan Tree

 10 amazing facts about the Banyan tree you need to know..

banyan tree

picture of a banyan tree

Banyan tree facts in 10 points 

1. The banyan tree is recognized as a spiritual tree in Hindu mythology as it is written in Bhagavat Gita that the leaves of the banyan tree are the resting place of Lord Krishna.

2. Banyan trees can survive many long years compared to other trees. Many of the Banyan trees have survived more than 500 years.

3. Banyan trees are one of the strongest trees in the world. It can withstand heavy storms as it has many sub roots for support. 

4. Alexander the Great and his army were the first Europeans to encounter the Banyan Trees who reached India in 326 BC.

5. The banyan tree is the national tree of India and can also found in Sri Lanka, Nepal,     Bhutan, Bangladesh, etc. 

6. The Great Banyan tree is present in Botanic Garden Howrah, near Kolkata, West Bengal India which has withstood 3 major cyclones and spread over an area of 18,914 square meters and is now more than 350 years old. This attracts tourists from all over the world.

7. During British rule in India, Britishers hung hundreds of freedom fighters on the branches of the Banyan tree.

8. The shape of the banyan tree leaves is large, elliptical, and glossy. Young leaves have a beautiful reddish color.

9. According to Vietnam, the dark markings on the surface of the moon are of the banyan trees. 

10. One of the large banyan trees is situated in Cypress Gardens, Florida, the USA which was planted in 1939 in a bucket of 5 gallons.

banyan tree

5 bonus point on Banyan tree facts which are also interesting

1.Married Hindu ladies love the Banyan tree to lead a long and cheerful wedded life. 

2.In numerous pieces of the world, the wood, and bark of the Banyan tree are utilized for making paper. 

3.The products of Banyan are eatable and nutritious. They are likewise used to calm skin disturbances and helps to stop swelling. 

4.With high therapeutic worth, Banyan is regularly utilized as a spice to treat and fix numerous infections. 

5.The custom of worshiping hallowed trees is predominant among individuals following Hinduism, since ages.

Final words:

Hope you like all the banyan tree facts.If you like please share your views on comments.Thank you

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